Enrolment Information
Enrolment link
In all instances of potential enrolment, please contact the school first on (06)874-8880. It is also important that you read the information below to ensure you understand the process and likelihood of entry to Poukawa School
Please find the link to enrolment below. Once you have entered all of the information, it will then be considered by the school.
New Entrants
New Entrant enrolments follow the same procedure. However, there are usually more places available at this level each year. Four year old children can come to our “Four Year Old transition visit” mornings held for three consecutive Tuesday mornings leading up to their 5th birthday (in Term time) from 9am to 11am. On this day they join with the other junior children for “Discovery Time” – a play based rich learning time.
All New Entrants require a copy of their birth certificate and vaccination certificate as part of the enrolment process.
Other enrolments
We aim to have a maximum student / teacher ratio of 1 to 25 and we manage this through our enrolment scheme. Local families have automatic enrolment right of entry but we do take children from outside our zone. Places may be available throughout the year in selected age / year groups.
Prospective families living outside our zone are encouraged to contact the school on 874-8880. We recommend bringing your child with you to visit the school. It is helpful to bring school reports and any other information that would help us find the best class for your child.
After the visit your application is considered by our enrolment committee and we place your name on the waiting list. As soon as there is a vacancy you will be notified.
Bus Transport Scheme
At the time of enrolment, families can choose to join our Bus Transport Scheme. Families in this scheme can have their child transported to school on our own school bus. We complete three runs each day. We pick up in Hastings, Havelock North, Te Hauke and Pakipaki.
If you choose to use this scheme we ask for a donation amount depending on how far we transport your child. Joining the scheme is voluntary and families are free to transport their own children to school if they prefer.
Enrolment zone
Poukawa School has an enrolment zone.
All students who live within the home zone described below shall be entitled to enroll at the school.
Poukawa Enrolment Zone will be bounded by and include properties:
On both sides of State Highway 2 from the intersection of Railway Road and Old Main Road as far south as Te Aute Trust Road.
On both sides of Te Aute Trust Road as far as and including all of Pukekura Settlement Road
On both sides and including all of Colin White Road
On both sides and including all of the following roads:
Anderson Road
Horonui Road
Wharemoana Road
Burma Road
Poukawa Road
Douglas Road
Te Mahanga Road
Cohrs Road
Malcolm Road
Glenogle Road
Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.