Whānau Resource Bank
Welcome to the Poukawa School Whānau Resource Bank
On this page you will find a collection of resources that have been put together by our staff in order for you to be able to support your child at home.
Every couple of weeks this will be updated and each resource will also have a 'target' age / year group that the resource is intended for.
We hope that you find this helpful, builds your own knowledge, and also the Poukawa School - Home partnership.
Resource: 'NY Times Crossword' - https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords- A motivating website with loads of different puzzles to challenge you. Choose your favourite as a whānau and compete against each other, or simply choose 1 to do together. Puzzles are proven to keep your brain active, increase problem solving skills and practice logic. What a great way to spend a rainy day or spend quality time together in the evening.
Age and Stage: All students
Resource: 'Sparklers' - https://sparklers.org.nz/wh%C4%81nau/worries-101/ - This sparklers website offers amazing resources for both teachers and whānau at home. This particular link takes you straight to helping children with feeling worried. It is something you can chat about at home and refer back to in those times that tamariki are feeling overwhelmed with worry. This website links really well to our work we are doing with the Mitey programme and our focus on mental health.
Age and Stage: All students
Resource: 'Tai Aroha' - https://folksong.org.nz/tai_aroha/index.html - This link contains a beautiful waiata that is sung very well by Ruru Class every morning. A fantastic way to start the day!
Age and Stage: Any keen singers
Tai Aroha
Resource: 'Wonderopolis' - www.wonderopolis.org - This website is an absolute must if you have students that are very curious about the world. It is across all curricular and is an incredibly engaging website to use for 'reading mileage' and to satiate the 'wonderings' of our rangatahi. Check it out!
Age and Stage: Any keen readers!
Resource: 'A Teacher changed my life' - A Ted Talk by a gentlemen on the celebration of the profession that 'creates other professions'. It is also a call to action for society to appreciate teachers and elevate the noble profession.
Age and Stage: All ages and stages
'A Teacher Changed My Life'
Resource: 'Being Thankful' - This video not only makes you smile, but is a great way to get kids to focus on the positive things in their life. It is beneficial to get in the habit of saying what we are grateful for. Did you know this can have lasting effect on your brain and brain development? It can also enhance your mood instantly. By practicing gratitude you can create neural pathways in your brain that focus on positivity, impacting your overall mental health.
Age and Stage: All ages and stages
Resource: Digital Dialects- Digital Dialects is an online resource that will help us to learn Te Reo Māori in a fun and interactive way. They have lots of options such as colours, numbers, foods and geographical locations to name a few. Give it a go and see how quickly your vocabulary increases. Karawhuia whānau mā! Click on the link below to have a go!
Age and Stage: All ages and stages
Resource: Dogo News - Dogonews.com is an excellent source of non-fiction current events and news reading for students to use at home (and at school as well). It has a variety of topics to read about and the articles are always fun and engaging for students to read. It is also great for vocabulary building and it has a built-in 'dictionary' for some of the more complex words (the words in blue in the second picture).
Age and Stage: Year 5 upwards
Resource: Khan Academy - Khan Academy Kids is an app for 2-8 year olds, which is completely free with no in app purchases. It is an English app, however, there is incredible learning through games and activities for a wide range of lessons and skills. Kea Class have just started using it and love it!
Age and Stage: Year 2 upwards
Resource: An online resource to help students learn their timestables at home
Age and Stage: Year 2/3 upwards
Resource: A digital resource to be used at home, once a day, for approximately 10-15 minutes. These are problem-solving based and change everyday. Check out the range by clicking on any date on the calendar on the home page.
Age and Stage: Usually Year 4-5 upwards.
Resource: A range of games, flash cards and topics for students to increase their known and daily use vocabulary and forms a solid word bank to use for future sentence structure work in Te Reo
Age and Stage: All students
Resource: Reading: Comprehensions Questions to ask at home
Age and Stage: All students
Resource: Ted Talk: Rita Pierson (" Kids don't learn from people they don't like")
Age and Stage: All students
Resource: Basic Facts Maths Practice
Age and Stage: All students
This website is fantastic for students to practice online, by themselves, their basic facts in maths which are the building blocks for furthering their mathematical knowledge in other areas.
Go to www.prototec.co.nz and you will find the following page (pictured below). Your student chooses either a 'sheet' practice page or a 'timed' practice page. 'Sheet' practice (also pictured below) has all of the questions together, whereas 'timed' shows one question at a time BUT has a 5 second time limit for each question.
The practice pages 'self-mark' so that the student gets instant feedback which is extremely handy and students usually find that they improve significantly using this resource.